Music Hall mmf-5 vs. Rega P3

I know the high praise both of these TTs usually get puts them solidly in the best-bang-for-the-buck category, but in a head-to-head which one is the build? sound? I suspect the P3 may get the most nods, in which case, what changes or mods would the mmf-5 need to go through to match/exceed it? Thoughts?
Your first clause is a false premise. A real false premise. Both decks really suck in the speed/rotational stability department. Read the specs.
go for the p3 which can be upgraded with a lot of different aftermarket products....the rb300 arm can always be kept for another table or resold and replaced with an upgraded arm or you can upgrade it yourself by sending it to Expressimo for the Incognito wiring and heavyweight and a VTA adjuster

the mmf5 is a turnkey solution...always go for the rega in this comparison
Great thread...I'm curious,too. I just bought an MMF-5 to resurrect my 20-25 year old vinyl collection. Initial impressions are VERY positive. Ultimately, I would think that the P3 gets the nod due to its inherent upgradeability, but I'd like to read someone's impressions of the two, side-by-side, right out of the box. Also interested in incremental MMF-5 upgrades. Thanks.