Need Advice on Downsizing :-

Recent tech layoff may force me to downsize my system in a couple of months, so I'd value advice on what two or three components I could give up in exchange for cheaper but acceptable performance. My system is as follows:

Audio Physic Virgo II
Blue Circle BC2 Monos
Sonic Frontiers Line III with upgraded tubes and extra tubes
2 sets of Nordost SPM Interconnects (1m, 2.5m)
FIM Gold Speaker Cable (8')
Pioneer DV09 DVD player
Cardas Golden Cross (1/2m)

Two potential options I see would be to sell the CD player and make do with the DVD player for a while. Another would be to sell the preamp and power amps and get an OK integrated.

Anyway, let me know what you think on what I might get rid of and what may work well in its place. I guess I'm looking to raise somewhere between $1.5k to $3k overall. Thanks in advance!
Outlier I am sorry about your dilemna as your system is very nice indeed. Actually my recommendation may be an improvement over what you currently have yet save you some money. I would suggest selling the amps and pre-amp, downgrading the cabling keep the speakers and buy a used Berning ZH270 Otl amp.

This amp has unusual flexibility and includes gain control 3 feedback settings to match with speaker damping, 70 watts a channel, weighs only 10 lbs and has sound from top to bottom riviling the best out there including control of the bass like few tube amps but the biggest. You don't need a pre-amp as it has 2 inputs on the back and is as quiet as death. A used one can be purchased for about 3K.

This may or may not work for you but it is certainly an option I recommend looking into. I know others will say it is a radical change to make in your system but I feel very confident in this recommendation. It will also free up some real estate in your room. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me. This is one of the most amazing and innovative audio products I have ever come across since I've been in this hobby.
That's right on Tubegroover! I believe that the most musical component in this system is CD player(one of the best for the money)
sorry to hear your situation. my suggestion 1. get rid of the cables 2. SF is an oaky gear, (it is very detail. but....) but there are lots of good used preamp, change it and still can have some good money back. 3. if you like the YBA, then keep it, music source is a very important factor in your music chain.

my cent.

Hey! I share the concerns of the other readers. I was there 15 years ago and with 2 young kids. My first advice is to not rush into anything and think through your options. I agree with many above, the cables can go first. They will sell fast and there are plenty of options. Stan Warren makes a very nice cable at a realistic price -- give him a call. If you need his number, e-mail me. On the upside. Your decision to live with the DVD is also good and probably step 2. Amps versus integrated is a hard call. I recently had to buy a new amp. I thought the solution would be easy -- one of the new integrateds. I ended up with a new power amp and a direct feed from my CD player. But, I listened to lots of integrateds. Used and less than 1000, the Complete or Jolida (remember folks this is a temporay fix that creates good music). Next step up, used at about 1k, Creek 5350SE, Rouge Tempest, Plinius, Music Fidelity. Let your ears decide. Don't strip apart your system until you know you have to and can be satisfied with the results. Mind set and having music to relax with still matters. Good luck and let us know what you decide, you advice back to us will help one of us in the future.