Power cord length and monoblocks

Do power cords feeding monoblock amplifiers in a 2-channel system have to be the same length as speaker cables need to be?
Sean, I believe I've read that the ground loop potential can increase when using different power cord lengths, which I guess would imply that the greater the difference, the greater the potential for an audible problem. Do you agree with this position? I'm further guessing that Aponter4 wouldn't be asking this question if he wasn't plugging both monoblocks into a single outlet that was significantly closer to one amp than to the other, meaning that the cord differential might be on the order of 2-3 lengths...
Zaikesman, the distance difference from the outlets for the amps would be ~6 ft.; one amp is 4 ft from the outlet and the second one 10 ft. away. That's 2.5 lengths.