Audio Aero Capital CD vs SACD

Has anybody compared the Audio Aero Capital CD vs SACD and more than a couple of cd's demo.Thanks
Jcb, I cannot tell you from experience (YET) because my new Capitole 24/192 will not be here for two more weeks (and I have an SACD player as well as another for audition). I too am looking forward to finding this out . BUT, from what I have been told by at least 5 people with VERY high-end and resolving systems (as well as dealers who deal in the Aero and SACD players), the Aero equals and, dependng on your tastes, at least with these people, even exceeds many SACD players, including the SCD-1 and SA-1 (and not just on Redbooks).

Again, this is based on testimony, but testimony of people I trust to at least be impartial (even if based on their preferences which may or may not be yours or mine).

Also, Audio Aero is shortly coming out with their Prestige CD/SACD/DVD-A/CD-R multi-player which is touted to be incredible.

In a few weeks after the Aero arrives, is burned in and I've had a chance to get used to it, I can tell you my experiences if you are then still interested.

I should note that the Captiole I am getting is the latest version (not necessarily an upgrade) which reduces the number of boards from 3 to 2, replaces the internal MDF platform with aluminum and offers a new thicker faceplate and silver (as opposed to gold) accents. I have been told the sonics are a little improved including better bass control and extension. We shall see (or hear) but I am confident Audio Aero will deliver.

I erroneously posted that the # of boards in the latest 24/192 Capitole have been reduced from 3 to 2. It SHOULD have stated that they have been reduced from 3 to 1.

I look forwared to your comments. I am also getting the latest Audio Aero in a couple of weeks with the new silver 'facade'. Will post my comparaisons with my current CD players : BOW ZZ8, Audio analogue Maestro and Sony SCD-1.

Badwisdom, that is some mighty worthy competition for the Capitole, please post your impressions as I'm sure it will be both interesting and very enlightening.
I have spent a lot of time with the audio aero unit and I think I may unload my accuphase gear and get one(capitole) in spring. I have the accuphase and an SACD player(9000es, not the best but not bad either) and there is no comparison, the accuphase is noticeably better on every level. Though I think the audio aero capitole is the best I have ever heard at any price, and at the price it is at, a bargain-I need to get one before they go up any further! So much to buy so little time!! life is great as an audiophile.