Audio Aero Capital CD vs SACD

Has anybody compared the Audio Aero Capital CD vs SACD and more than a couple of cd's demo.Thanks
I am interested in the Capitole player. However, if someone is ready to "testify" that this player is the "best", I feel that persons opinion would carry more weight and be more meaningful if a more thorough description could be made about it's strengths and weaknesses relative to other players and total system configurations.

Otherwise, what does "best" mean? "Best" for whom and why?

Sorry if I sound grumpy or something. But I search several sites looking for insightful, detailed posts that will hopefully help me to make serious considerations for my next purchase. Thats all. Thanks.
Badwisdom-I have the accuphase DC-300 digital pre/dac which uses the same DAC as the DP-75v, some believe it sounds better then the DP-75v, I could not say myself ie they are very close. The Capitole sounds better on every concievable level then the sony, in fact I have a good friend whom recently compared the good sony SACD player(heavily modded) head to head with the Capitole(with the modifier of the sony listening with him) and they both thought the capitole sounded better, only slightly better but better none the less. So for the money, the fact it is out of box performance(once broken in) and its cost it seems to be a great product, I wish there was something bad I could say but I can't!!! its that freaking good!


well if you can wait a week, ill let you know my findings (detailed and all) about the Audio aero.

Well, its just that general comments can be such a tease.

Info from informed users such as yourself is so important for me. Thanks in advance for your take on the AA Capitole...relative to other players you have experienced. :)
tomorrow i may have an Audio Aero Capital 129/24 in my room to compare to my Linn CD-12 and my stock Marantz SA-1. if that happens i will report my findings.