Best Used DAC for 1000?

Looking for recommendations for used DAC for my PD 65 Pioneer CD player. Budget is $1000 but would like to spend less if possible to improve sound quality of dacs in the 65. Thank you for your help and input.

I'll second the Audio Van Alstine OmegaStar DAC. I've seen them for $500-700 used ($1300 list). The most non-fatiguing digital I've ever heard, yet plenty of detail & bass control. BTW, I use a Pioneer Stable Platter CD as a transport as well, and find it's a great match. I use a Kimber Kable Digital X interconnect. The only drawback to the AVA DAC is that it doesn't have switchable multiple inputs, if that's something you require you might need an external switchbox. Or, do like I do & just switch cables if you want to use a different source.
I second the ModWright/Perpetual Tech P-3A as being an excellent alternative. You get the benefit of 24/96 upsampling and the modded version provides a very rich blend of musicality with low-noise and fine detailing. It's hard to go wrong and you can sometimes score a used piece for well under $1000.
If you can find an EVS Millennium DAC for sale, grab it. I use a Millennium DAC 1 with a Pioneer DVD transport with excellent results. Transparency, dynamics, soundstage, tonality, etc. are all incredible and a HUGE improvement over the DVD's analog outs and my previous modded Link DAC. If you're looking for something warm and tubelike look elsewhere, but if utter neutrality and hearing every last bit of recorded sound is what you're after I think you'd be hard pressed to do better(see owners' reviews on

Unfortunately these have recently been discontinued, but if you can find a used DAC 1 or DAC II(probably around $400 to $800 respectively) you should jump on it. Best of luck.

$130 delivered will get you an art di/o. can't say i compared it to the above-mentioned units, but it smoked a resolution audio cd50, a highly regarded $3k cd player. $100-$200 worth of mods take the di/o to another performance level altogether...

doug s.
Many thanks friends to all of the help and responses, I now have a good short list thanks to you all.