State-of-the-art DVD Video and SACD player?

I want to upgrade my DVD Video source to feed a Lexicon MC-12 and SharpVision XV-Z9000 system with state-of-the-art video feed, but also want to add SACD to my 2-channel audio chain (mainly Krell gear). What is out there at the moment or should I wait a few months more?
I'd say go cheap or wait.

(Read the same article in TAS) --Sure the Sony has the chroma bug; The Pioneer is way hi-priced, limited software; I wouldn't commit to steeply.
The Pioneer AX-10 does not process SACD properly, it converts it to PCM. The new Pioneer DV-47A will decode both 2 and 5 ch. SACD and DVD-A correctly and has 12 bit video DAC's as well, BUT... it still has the chroma bug which might be a factor with the Sharp pj. Otherwise this player should just about be the ticket to multi format nirvana at this time. My Sony 9000ES is superb, but lacks 5 ch. SACD, which may not be important to you until you hear it done properly, and then you may not want to be without it.
...if you want state of the art. Early press blurbs say it has the redbook CD playback that makes the Capitole so popular as well as SACD and progressive scan DVD.

I'd probably go cheap at first and let them go through a production cycle to work the bugs before going with a high end one-box solution.

SONY dvp 9000es-Bought one,love it dvd/sacd in one unit just like you want. And in my opinion very underpriced for that kind of quality in one machine. And there are a few above that like it too...Good Luck and have fun.
The Sony 9000ES is the no-brainer. Absolutely stunning transport, superb stand-alone cd-player, with SACD and state-of-the-art DVD picture as a bonus. All this for around a thousand bucks. Will give most 3K (and up) cd players a run for the money...what else do we need here???