Almighty TT hum --- help

I have seached the archives on the topic of turntable hum and found some info, but nothing that helps my situation, so here goes...I just ressurected an old (23 years) Technics turntable with an Audio Technica cartridge (...I know --- decidedly LOW FI, but I have young kids that suck up virtually all of my time and money). I am aching to get back into vinyl and I just wanted to see what the old table sounded like on the NAD 3020 I bought a couple of years ago. Holy hum, Batman!! Sounds like bad grounding, but I checked and cleaned all connections and that didn't help. The hum is only slightly louder when the ground wire is disconnected altogether. I would like to determine if my old TT is to blame or the old NAD. Any suggestions on my next step would be greatly appreciated.

Try the NAD w a line level source. that should help you isolate it. Also check cart leads.
When I ran into a similar hum trying to use phono inputs which had not previously been used, it turned out that the preamp female phono input jack of one channel had been detached from its internal soldered continuity with the preamp by someone in the past violently twisting off the male jack on the end of the cable from the turntable. This was a hum heard in both channels even though one jack was at fault.
My old time TT went humming in one channel a while back and it turned out to be defective interconnects. If your hum is in both channels your problem likely lies elsewhere.
Thanks for the responses...I just got a chance to do some more investigation today. Here are the results.

1. Using both line level sources (aux and tuner), the hum was still present, as loud and persistant as before.

2. I checked all connections to the cartridge and they appear and feel solid.

3. The hum is both channels, but using headphones, I realized that it is about 50% louder in one channel (left).

4. I disconnected the cartridge entirely and the hum sounded exactly the same.

5. I also found out (accidentally) that the hum was reduced in volume whenever I touched the amp. Does this imply a grounding problem?

I will take off the cover of the amp and see if the phono input jacks have been damaged in some way. Any other suggestions would help. I'd like to think that the TT is the problem (that way MAYBE I can justify buying a new one). I have heard that the 3020 has a good phono stage for its low cost and I definitely had that in mind when I bought it.
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