Graham tonearm tweaking

I have recently finished my Teres turntable project. I purchased a used Graham 2.0 for it, and installed my Clearaudio Discovery cartridge last weekend.

My question is, I have been reading the forums here regarding the damping levels on this arm. Could someone who has experience with this outline the method that they use to tweak the level to suit the cartridge? Please go into detail as to what you are listening for at each stage of the adjustments. Do you key in on the bass, or listen for treble?

I am looking forward to finetuning this arm and want to put in the effort needed to get it to its best sound.

Thanks guys, Brad.
Larry. I currently reside in NJ.My parents,in-laws,and a multitude of cousins all reside in "DOLPHINS" Country.I plan to move to the Southern FLA. region some time in the next 2 to 3 years,at the latest.I'll always be a JET fan though!!

Also.I realize I've done way too much "Bloviating" and bashing of some "Connected" and/or industry types.I really got too carried away with this.I have a big mouth,and should have shut up!!I'm really sorry!!Someone on another post,very politely mentioned that I seemed to be harboring a hidden agenda.Looking at that thought,I have to agree and feel like a "YUTZ"!!Who the heck am I anyway?Maybe I'm suffering from analog withdrawal!!

Larry,My pal (AIR TANGENT) just had his second Titan cartridge failure in one year.He's pretty bummed out and told me this eve. that he is going to start considering alternatives.He has good experienced friends to aid him here.I did,however,give him a big pitch on the ZYX-Univ. that you are raving about.

What he asked me was, what were the previous cartridges you have owned.I had sent him copies of the Arthur Salvatore comments,and this peaked his interest,however he is a VERY sceptical person.Especially when it comes to new "RAVE" products.I did my best to peak his interest,but he has his own methodology that I don't dare to mess with.

Please do not have anyone try to send any e-mails or any sales pitches.I know you love the UNIV. and I totally believe what you hear,as you describe it.This is just the way it has to be, for me to simply give to him another "VALID" alternative to those cartridges that are considered "REAL FRONTRUNNERS".He has lots of friends with alot of experience in vinyl,but,the ZYX stuff is new to us,and I'm giving the UNIV.a real pitch that has his interest somewhat peaked.

So,as I originally stated could you list those cartridges that preceeded it.Anyone else owning the ZYX stuff,please list previous cartridges if you care to.Thank you all very much!!
Please let me know when you finally make your move to South Florida or you are down here for a visit.
I was a dyed in the wool Jet fan growing up and when I arrived in Florida. I remained a huge Jet fan for a couple of years, but the Jet fans down here were such a turn off (quite different than the N.Y. / N.J. fans) and the Dolphins were such a great organization to follow, that I have been a die hard Dolphin fan for the past 25 years.
In my system I have owned or heard the following cartridges (on my Graham 2.2, listed in an increasing order of preference):

Shelter 901
Koetsu Urushi
Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum
ZYX Airy3
ZYX Airy2
ZYX UNIverse
(Special note...the Airy2 was my preference over the Airy3. The Airy3 had much more detail and dynamics but was a bit too bright in my system/room.
There are plenty of people that prefer the Airy3 to the Airy2. My room being too bright made for not a good paring with the dynamic Airy3. Getting to work on my room is my next major project to get settled.
In addition, the Airy2 was a major upgrade over my wonderful Koetsu RSP but the UNIverse is, well…….. several stratospheres up from the Airy2.
I hope the Doug Deacon weighs in here as well, but I would tell you that I am yet to find another person who did not think that the UNIverse was the best cartridge that they had heard by a wide margin.
I would be happy to speak with your friend. Email me off line and we can organize that if he has an interest.
I recently went to two high line audio homes in NYC.One a rich hobbyist with too much money.Never keeping anything long enough to learn how to set it up properly.300,000.00 worth of,literally, the worst sound I've ever heard.
I've met one of that type, and the one I met is also greedy and refuses to accept responsibility for his own (often poor) choices. He's also a manipulative back-stabber. Larry has recently been given the "opportunity" to meet him, an opportunity he should miss IMO.

Doug,as for your comments about the "lack of resolution" in the Graham's VTA adjustment,compared to the Wheaton.I owned a Wheaton for 4 years.You do realize the Graham's scale is set for much smaller adjustments(as in more precise).
FWIW, here's what I remember.

TriPlanar VII
One revolution = .7mm in height change
40 point dial = .0175mm per point
The dial is large enough to accurately interpolate 5 positions per point, so .0035mm per interpolation

Graham 2.2 (numbers from memory, please correct me if wrong)
One revolution = 1.0mm in height change
24 point dial = .041666mm per division
The dial is smaller but one can accurately interpolate 2
positions per point, so .0208333mmm per interpolation

Without interpolations
.041666/.0175 = 2.38

With interpolations
.0208333/.0035 = 5.95

Therefore, the TriPlanar VII's height adjustment has at least 2.38x the resolution of the Graham 2.2's, and nearly 6x the resolution if you give the TriPlanar credit for its larger, easier-to-read scale. My ears and Paul's subjectively confirm this, the Graham dial requires noticeably smaller movements to hit the sweet spot.

ZYX UNIverse
I can only echo Larry's enthusiasm, though I've only heard it directly against the cartridges on his list. Larry, didn't you hear others in that audio club meet you travelled to last month?

Of the four serious audiophiles who've heard mine two have already bought one, the third is saving his pennies, the fourth is crying because he may never be able to afford one.

The three buyers include Larry and a mutual friend who has the quickest ears and lowest tolerance for colored components of anyone I know. He listened to our UNIverse for 5 or 6 hours and commented that it did nothing wrong. That didn't sound like much, but his friend almost choked on his coffee. In 15 years this guy has apparently never heard a component for more than a few minutes without noticing a flaw. Three weeks later, after hearing a UNIverse in another system, he broke down and bought one. He's mentioned it once or twice on VA. Search for UNIverse! or UNIverse!! and you'll find him. Pretty amusing, since he's the most sceptical audiophile I've met.

His friend is the one saving his pennies. He's a broadcast engineer and custom builds or mods amps and preamps, some of the best, most neutral sounding gear I've heard at any price.

These two guys are the polar opposite of your typical, brand-happy, star-struck audiophile. They know what they hear and they understand why they hear it and how to make it better. They both fell in love with the UNIverse.

I'll be posting a review in a week or so. Short version: close your eyes and you'll see live musicians in your listening room.
Doug it was not my intention to get into a Julian Hirsch "you show me your spec,and I'll show you mine" disagreement.Both arms can resolve what I wanted.Who cares if one requires my finger to move another 1/2 inch.I'm in shape!The Tri-Planer had "PLAY" in the vta adjustment.Even though I was able to adjust without the use of the "Useless" scale markings,it was still a great arm.

The Graham requires utmost "ideal" damping accuracy to get anything right.To me this is "NOW" not a problem.I like the Graham better.Others like other arms.I have a friend who just replaced his Graham with the new "longer" JMW.He is as in the clouds over it's superiority, over the Graham as Larry is with the UNIV.This all means nothing,since everything is subjective.Heck,I'd trade my 2.2 in a heartbeat for a KUZMA AIRLINE or AIR TANGENT(with motor boat sized dentist office pump only).

Larry,thanks for coming off as such a good guy.
Doug,don't think I'm trying to be argumentative.

It's not either of your faults that the Jets kick Dolphin butt every year.Sorry,that is the only point that is "NOT SUBJECTIVE"!!
Dear Sirspeedy,
The Jets have had a good current run, but they did spend an inordinate amount of time on the short end of the stick a while back as I recall.
Based on the behavior of the Miami/South Florida Jets fans, I would not be so quick if I were you to be associated with the Neanderthal Jet Fans down here (I apologize to all Neanderthals since equating Miami based Jet fans to Neanderthal is an insult to all Neanderthals). I am quite shocked to find out that there is such a thing as a Jet Fan /Audiophile in existence (you must be rare enough to be a collectors item). I thought that being a Jet Fan and being an audiophile would mutually exclusive, but God Bless your pointed little head.
Doug was not being argumentative, he was just trying to be specific and helpful. Doug does not live in Florida and not a Dolphin (nor Jet) fan. You can focus your Jet bravado singularly towards me. I just love the abuse.
All the above is said in jest, except my apology to the Neandrethals for which I was being sincere.
Warmest Regards,