Graham tonearm tweaking

I have recently finished my Teres turntable project. I purchased a used Graham 2.0 for it, and installed my Clearaudio Discovery cartridge last weekend.

My question is, I have been reading the forums here regarding the damping levels on this arm. Could someone who has experience with this outline the method that they use to tweak the level to suit the cartridge? Please go into detail as to what you are listening for at each stage of the adjustments. Do you key in on the bass, or listen for treble?

I am looking forward to finetuning this arm and want to put in the effort needed to get it to its best sound.

Thanks guys, Brad.
I want to personally invite all of "YOU GUYS" to my daughter's wedding.In a couple of years.I promise I won't forget.Just as HP of TAS promised,3 yrs ago,that he would "NOT" let the magazine slide!!What a laugh.I can't help but think of him coming down his stairs,at the behest of his latest set-up man(paid schleper),with pipe in hand,only to listen to the component,or musical selection at hand and,quickly,giving the Roger Ebert thumbs up or down.Then retiring back to his video rig.That's it!!

I was smuggled into Sea cliff,by a former friend(old critic)some years back.Time of fire.Sonically,once I got over being on HOLY ground,similar to the sound I had heard that month,while viewing the HAGLER/Sugar Ray Leonard fight at an area disco.I swear!!Like I said,we're "all" just hobbyists!!HP was away at time.The former critic obviously was NOT a good friend of HP,or mine,but wanted a business favor from me.Heck,I wasn't about to turn down that invite!!

Doug,I'm really sorry to say that at the time being my friend has decided not to take you up on that offer.SHUCKS!!It has more to do with his present state of trying to secure a replacement TITAN.Also,I think he feels he would not be able to swing the 5 LARGE,should he like it.

Probably a good defense mechanism,though.He did ask me to "truly" thank you for the offer.He also said he may take you up on it someday,should his current situation deteriorate,regarding a n/c replacement.Since you were so open about bringing this over, to a total stranger's house,I think,even if he doesn't try a UNIV. you may be welcome to come over for a listening session.We can then "MUG" you in BKLYN!!PS---You will still get the "LEON's pastry!!
Sonically,once I got over being on HOLY ground,similar to the sound I had heard that month,while viewing the HAGLER/Sugar Ray Leonard fight at an area disco.
ROTFLMAO. That's quite a sound stage. So HP's system had plenty of punch?

I think he feels he would not be able to swing the 5 LARGE,should he like it.
In that case, he probably shouldn't listen to it. I have a friend who made that mistake. He's skipping lunches to get one. That's a lot of lunches.
What does ROTFLMAO stand for?

As for the HOLY ground,that was then.I'm sure today would be a different story.The only "POSITIVE" thing that came out of it,for me,was the fact that I started to believe that I could come up with good sound,on my own,and that all the "HOITY TOITY" dudes just got there first!!

Any "HOITY TOITY's" following any of this?

Are any of you "HOITY TOITY" enough to remember your commitment to your readers?We actually DO spend money on subscription renewals.Although I'm considering letting mine run out,and reading the latest DRECK for free,at Barnes & Noble,as I have a latte!!I'd rather re-subscribe,but you don't deserve my loyalty.Who am I kidding I'm so conditioned already!

Too bad a guy like,Larry's pal,Arthur Salvatore doesn't publish a newsletter that I can sit and read in my car,during lunch breaks!!I love the guy.What BALLS!!To be hated and loved at the same time.Sounds like my system.Too bad Arthur was actually wrong about the later Dutch pressing of Prince of the Pagoda's being superior to the earlier English one.I have both!!Not close! The 2 Dutch pressings I own don't touch the 1st pressing British.I think Arthur really has to upgrade to that UNIV. REAL soon!!!Hey,at least he's human.

Anyone not following my blather,please refer to HIGHEND you all get as much out of that site as I did.As a matter of fact,I printed copies out for all my friends!!All 3 of them.
ROTFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
It was not me that wrote the letter to Arthur Salvatore. I have never had the pleasure of meeting or talking with Arthur, but I hope that happens one day.
Well,I've benefited from this original post,in that I've been shamed into learning how to use this damn keyboard,thanks METRALLA.

I've also learned cool stuff like the meaning of ROTFLMAO!!

My discussions of the damping fluid tweaks were well worth it,and "PALE" in comparison!!

Larry,the only reason I equated you with Salvatore,was because your comments on the UNIV. were literally,word for word,identical with a letter sent to him, describing the cartridges attributes!!HMMM!!!