Graham tonearm tweaking

I have recently finished my Teres turntable project. I purchased a used Graham 2.0 for it, and installed my Clearaudio Discovery cartridge last weekend.

My question is, I have been reading the forums here regarding the damping levels on this arm. Could someone who has experience with this outline the method that they use to tweak the level to suit the cartridge? Please go into detail as to what you are listening for at each stage of the adjustments. Do you key in on the bass, or listen for treble?

I am looking forward to finetuning this arm and want to put in the effort needed to get it to its best sound.

Thanks guys, Brad.
HMMM, indeed! Very suspicious! There could be an infringement suit here. Did you record that call? Might be worth some bucks.

In Larry's defense, the UNIverse is very difficult to describe. If you check reviews of other ZYX models you'll see similar remarks. I said something like that in my Airy 2/3 review and so did Art Dudley in his. Invisibility is the ZYX house characteristic, but it's pretty tough to wrap words around it.

The further up the ZYX line you go the more invisible they get, naturally. By the time you reach the UNIverse all words seem futile. The only other component I've heard that disappears so readily and thoroughly is the equally indescribable Schroeder Reference. How do you describe the sound of nothing?
I was just KIDDING around!!No need to go RAUL on me,Doug!!Also,you just blew the free LEON's pastries,so take that!!!