The problem comes from blanket statements that infer that ALL vinyl playback is noisy, contains pops that "must be listened through" and that the bass is summed and therefore "inferior" somehow.
All that talk about defects would lead a newcomer to the conclusion that ALL LP playback is a disaster. There are many fine turntables on the market and many great cartridges that mate up well with them. I agree that CD has convenience on its side (not to mention being able to play in the car) and is always free of noise. Analog, particularly LP, requires more work, but can be just as free of noise and distraction.
When I say free of noise, I'm not talking about some machine specification, rather to real life experience of placing a CLEAN LP on a good quality turntable and listening to music at levels that are safe for our hearing (approximately 88 to 90 DB, at 14 feet in my room).
In my system and everyone in my music group who I have listened with, that is sufficient "room filling music" and usually ZERO noise or pops. The other night we were actually discussing this topic and we consciencely listened for flaws, just to see if we were fooling ourselves.
In four plus hours of listening to everything from Rock to Bluegrass and Classical to Blues, we had one LP that had pops about 15 seconds into the first track. Otherwise the evening could have been mistaken for all CD playback (except that I prefer the sound of analog).
Everyone in my group has good turntables, SME, VPI, Basis, Walker, Lenco, Linn and Versa Dynamics (to name a few). All these are capable of pulling off this "miraculous" stunt, provided the software is clean, the cartridge and arm are good quality and all the settings are correct.
Analog is a lot of work, but once done, there is a vast library of great software available, some at very reasonable prices. If this is too much trouble or you don't want to spend the money, or dislike having to "feed" two formats, that is fine. I have never said everyone should convert.
What I have claimed all along is that analog is more satisfying musically. Music is the only reason I own my system, otherwise it's just a bunch of junk taking up space in the living room.