am/fm tube tuners

I am in the market to add an AM/FM tube tuner to my system. I listen to jazz and female vocalists mostly. I want this just for the "sound" that is hard to get since all my other stuff is solid state, and pleasant background music. I would like to spend around $1000 for the tuner. What tuners are out there that people have loved over the years? Thanks for your responces.
AM radio is for talk, and ball games. In fifty years I never had AM in my audio system, and never missed it.

The only time that AM radio had anything to do with serious audio was back in the 50s, when WQXR, AM and FM, in NY, broadcast experimental stereo, with one channel on each radio. I set up a couple of little table radios, and was impressed.
Agreed on AM. But I love to listen to baseball games occaisionally. Not really that important on this system since I can always listen to the radio. Maybe the FM tuner is a better choice.
The Magnum Dynalab 108 looks likes it runs $3200 to $3500 used. Is it worth it? That is about 3 times what I want to spend but if it is top notch, it is interesting.
I'm perfectly happy with my vintage MR71 with Richard Modeferri mod/upgrade via audioclassics.
I've done some comparison with some other top SS performers and MR71 sounded more musical and transparent to me. The SS tuners sounded thin and light. However, it does have good bass. MR71 sounded full and round and articulate. The bass is not and punchy and dynamic but it is well above acceptable. The vocal is just lovely. It sounded like the DJ is in your room. Anyway, I still prefer tube tuners
A Fisher 100b with some simple mods (replace power supply diodes with FREDs, quality coupling caps and a good tune-up, maybe replace the 12AX7 output tube with a 5751) will sound wonderful. These can be had on ebay for ~$200. Expect to pay $500-$800 for the mods and tune-up. I'd put the sound of it's germanium bridge demodulators up agaist any PPL system on the planet.