am/fm tube tuners

I am in the market to add an AM/FM tube tuner to my system. I listen to jazz and female vocalists mostly. I want this just for the "sound" that is hard to get since all my other stuff is solid state, and pleasant background music. I would like to spend around $1000 for the tuner. What tuners are out there that people have loved over the years? Thanks for your responces.
Agreed as to Fisher FM tuners. I have a Fisher 100B with minor updates (new bridge rectifier, new output coupling caps), and it sounds very nice. In principle, a solid state tuner should have a leg up in RF performance, but there is just something "right" about the sound of a good tube tuner.

I just called Magnum and the Dynalab 109 is now out. This is the revision of the 108. Has anyone heard about this unit?
Bryanhod, unless you have many good stations or you are super loaded, jumping on expensive FM-tuners is a money loosing investment. There are many good internet radiostations out there but not as good sound quality as the FM tuners. Most of the audiophiles I know don't listen to radio at all.
I have not heard the 109 yet but the 108 was quite impressive enough to most of the FM lovers.
You know S23chang you start off thinking maybe I can add an inexpensive tuner and then all hell breaks loose. Too much of a facination with great sound. There are jazz stations and classical stations that play music you just can find so i really want something that is good.
A McIntosh MR74 is also an excellent tuner that goes for around 500 and will probably appreciate as it is close in performance to the much more sought after units (mr78, mr71)