My Esoteric K-01 player has just stopped working for the second time.
The transport works, but no audio on any source--no audio on CD and no audio from my server. I will send it back for repair. This is the second time for repairs in two years.

Can anyone recommend a CD/SACD player that is more reliable? I thought the sound of the K-01 was very good; I am happy to consider units that are better sounding and/or more expensive. But reliability is just as important.

I just don't want to deal with the unit going down again. . .
The best SACD player there is, is a Denon DVD-3910 it is reference quality and one of the only one witch can play SACD-R. (self burn iso-files). and for less then $200 you can buy a excellent on on ebay. Regards

what is Esoteric saying about your player going down x2 ?
there must be some rationale? Along that breed , I was impressed w/ the Mark Levinson No 512 in current production.
Grab one used or demo priced and use the rest of your money buying music. Keep me posted.
While I won't recommend any players for you, your experience with Mac players is exactly why I won't buy another one. I've had 3 of them, the last one being the MVP-861. Nothing but problems such as you describe. Sent to a Mac service center and repaired, only to get it back and then regular dvd's wouldn't play. So back to the service center, all the time I'm picking up the shipping. As far as Mac goes, they just don't know how to make good players! Period! Amps & pre-amps are a different story-- they should stick with what they do best.
Sorry, I was actually responding to Tonykay's remarks about his MVP-871. Guess I didn't read your thread close enough, so sorry for my lack of response to you.

I completely agree with your comment. I still own a Mac MX-130 preamp and I just bought a tube Mac 275 MkVI. I still believe in their amps and preamps, but their other products are a different story. Buyers beware!!