Cartridge Suggestions for a Newbie

Hello. Could somebody suggest some decent cartridges to purchase. I haven't owned vinyl in over 20 years and am trying to set up a source. I'd like something decent, but one that won't put too big of a bite in my pocket book.
Well Gethca, you didn't state a price point.
The new giant killer is the Origin live silver Tonearm with a shelter 501 mc cartridge.
[Do some research in the archives here on agon lots to read on this topic]
You can get these as I did and never look back. While you’re at it why not get the origin live Aurora table as well. Origin live makes motor and speed controller replacements for the lp-12 that really improve its performance. I figured why fix a Linn just get a new Origin live table.

Tobias, I'm surprised that you don't hear strong bass from the Glider. I get very good bass from mine but perhaps it is a synergy thing. The trick for me is to get that bass from my 103r. I think it is there for the most part, I just haven't found the best loading and VTA for it yet.

Getcha, if you are thinking about changing tables you may want to think about doing that before you buy a cartridge. The table and arm are very important to getting the most from any cartridge and you also want to avoid any mis-matches.
Dan_ed, perhaps I could have been a little more specific. Bass from the Glider was more tuneful but less powerful than it had been from the V15 I'd had previously. I was not unhappy with it really, but when a pal brought over the Cardas Heart and set everything up for a listen, the difference was so marked that I just went for the new cart.