Turntable Hum

I've got an old Technics that is giving me fits...there's a slight hum present, that's there regardless of whethter the unit has a headshell attached or not, and regardless of whether it's AC power is plugged in. When I swing the arm across the platter, the hum varies from crackling and loud to nothing. It's not near a transformer or anything like that. Any ideas? I'm really perplexed by the behavior of the arm.
Could there be a problem internally with the arm wiring, it seems that a hum from a broken or bare wire might change it's sound when the arm is moved and changes position. Just a thought.
What cartridge are you using? If it happens to be a very high output cartridge like some Grados, they can cause hum.
I have a Stanton 500, a Shure m97xe, and a Shure v15VMR, and the hum is there on all of them...but it's also there without a headshell attached. I'm afraid it's the wiring in the tonearm as well, but I feel reasonably comfortable attempting to replace it. Is doing that something that will cause me to pull my hair out? It seems straghtforward enough.
Have the phonocable wires from the tt been moved? Are they passing near a power supply or ac power cord? Try moving and rerouting the phonocable wires.

Don't worry, buddy...We'll get you through this.