Power cord recmd. sought for Audiomeca Enkianthus

Anyone have a recommendation for a flexible power cord for use with an Audiomeca Enkiathus or DACs in general? Basically, I'm looking for a high-end cord for my digital front end which will not cause cable drag as I have the Enkianthus on a set of Aurios isolation discs.
I actually brought the Omega home to audition. I never hooked it up. Much too delicate for my tastes. The thin wire connecting to the wood box was enough for me to see. I was lucky I managed to wrap it up without damaging it. I know I said flexible, but I need something a little sturdier than tooth floss.
Stew3859 you might give the TG Audio cords a try as they are flexible.......Thta is a nice DAC and would work well with the SLVR cord......Oh, I own TG Audio BTW, but saw your plight......Contact me for a dealer close to you.....
Since the manufacturers are jumping in this post, I just can't say NO.

Although the Carbon Ribbon Source Cord is relatively a new product this year. Five out of Six people that have participated in the home trial have purchased it. A five foot cord weighs 1 pound and is extremely flexible.

A recent discussion can be found at:

Best, Michael Wolff Power Cords