Best interconnect for Magnum Dynalab MD100

I have a MD100 which I have connected to my Pass X1 with Nordost Blue Heavon balanced i/c. Would it make a big difference to go to a better i/c such as the Red Dawn or any others? At what point does diminishing return where tuners are concerned. I am using Shunyata Aries i/c from CDP to Pre and Pre to Amp. I like them and have tried the Aries on the tuner but don't find the improvement worth the expense of another pair of Aries.I was thinking perhaps the Nordost Red Dawn? Any advice would be appreciated.
good point. Should have read your post more carefully. I'd never recommend the Harmonix for a tuner. I wouldn't recommend anything over $250 for a tuner. That's just me....
I have a Studio Master in my system. I've tried it on all the components and right now everything sounds best using it on the Pass amp. The X1 has a brand new Shunyata Python Alpha (same technology as the Anaconda w/ fewer conductors and none of the noise reduction dust) and the Audio Aero Capitole has just been equipped with a new Electraglide Mini Khan Plus. It is the best cord I've heard on my cdp; it replaced the Studio Master. The tuner has a Stealth Cloude Nine front version which works great. That's the line up today; tomorrow who knows? :>)
After playing with the Red Dawn, Blue Heaven and Shunyata's Aries I've decided to try and get another pair of Aries. The sonic improvement of the Aries over the Red Dwn or Blue Heaven justifies, to me, the purchase of another pair of Aries. Especially if I can work something out with the person I get my cables from.I find the Blue Heaven OK for the money but nothing special, the Red Dawn have they're charms but I find them overbearingly aggressive for lack of a better word. I find the Aries bring a naturalness to my magnum Dynalab MD100 that makes the tuner sound more like a high quality source as opposed to just an old tuner.If anyone can reccommend interconnects that they have experience with on tuners it would be valuable info but I think I'm sold on the Aries.