AudioMeca vs. AudioAero vs. Electrocompaniet

Hi, Soon i will be looking for a cdp my choices are: Audiomeca Keops($1800 new) Audio Aero Prima(old model $1500 new model?) or a used 24/96 Electrocompaniet ( around $2200 with potential future upgrade $1K). I'm sure you can't go wrong on any of the 3. However a few comments may help me to make the best choice. I have a Jadis Orchestra(40 watt). So i need a cdp with good low frequency resolution. Thanks
Bwhite..Remember when you mentioned the list of different power cords, and how each of them has it's own sound character and signature. They produce magic when they are connected to the Mephisto. But, some of us can not afford to buy such expensive power cords.

I'm sure that the Mephisto is an extremely excellent player. But, when the Mephisto is connectted to it's own cheap PC power cord, can it still sing naturally and can it still perform magic as well.
Farhad - I understand. But most people who look at a CD player which sells used for around $4,000 wouldn't think twice about using the stock power cord on the unit. NBS Statement power cords sell for around 500.

In my system, I used the Mephisto for a LONG time without an aftermarket power cord. In some ways, stock power cords are pretty decent in the sense that they do not color the sound. Of course aftermarket designs are very good at adding dynamics and various "effects" but the true test of a component is how it performs without the effects. While I have never heard any digital component sound better with a stock cord vs. a carefully selected aftermarket design - I must say the Mephisto is the least likely of ALL PLAYERS MENTIONED ABOVE to react harshly to a stock power cord. For example, the Electrocompaniet EMC-1 sounds lousy (to me) without an aftermarket power cord and can produce too much digital hash and noise which some perceive as "detail" until its gone. The Mephisto seems to produce the least hash and digital artifact of all the players I've ever tested and is by far the easiest to listen to.

Does this answer your question?
Bwhite.. Thank for answering the previous part. But, you have mentioned once that you have listenned to or owned the Accuphase DP 75V before, which used to be one of my favorite player of all times. How do you compare it to the Mephisto, and which of the two personally do you like more..
The Accuphase is an effortless player - it is quieter than the Mephisto between tracks - dead quiet - but then again, so is my 100 Toshiba DVD player (not as quiet as the Accuphase however). Noticing that the Mephisto isn't quiet between tracks leads me to wonder why. I have no idea. As quiet as it is, it is very fast and produces a big, forward sound and dynamic swings making the Mephiso seem slow and relaxed. As The Accuphase moves through a dynamic sweep, it layers the soundstage well and can peak with sweet highs that kiss the air in the room tenderly and then evapoate into nothingness. Not bright and not etched. This was my favorite part of the Accuphase performance. I'm not sure if I described it well or not. But... I often felt that with the Accuphase, the midrange sounded a little off - maybe sterile or electronic but not metalic.. I don't know... just not organic... which lead me to think that when the highs were reached in a complex passage that the Accuphase would go over the top and produce a bright sound -this never happened and always amazed with its tender attention to my ears. Make sense?

As great as the Accuphase is, I doubt that anyone would ever mistake it for an analog turntable. In the right context, a Mephisto could be.
Bwhite.. I'm a bit confused. I'm not sure which one you like more. You describe the words with true feelings and emotion. But, I still haven't got the picture clearly. I would appreciate if you can elaberate more, and comment if the accuphase will stand among the crowd singing or will the Mephisto put down and make shame out of the accuphase.