AudioMeca vs. AudioAero vs. Electrocompaniet

Hi, Soon i will be looking for a cdp my choices are: Audiomeca Keops($1800 new) Audio Aero Prima(old model $1500 new model?) or a used 24/96 Electrocompaniet ( around $2200 with potential future upgrade $1K). I'm sure you can't go wrong on any of the 3. However a few comments may help me to make the best choice. I have a Jadis Orchestra(40 watt). So i need a cdp with good low frequency resolution. Thanks
Farhad, my goal with digital was for it to sound more like music. Real music. Good analog recordings on good equipment produce the finest sound I have heard. The Mephisto is simply the MOST analog like CD player of the bunch. The Accuphase is spectacular and I put it just slightly behind the Audio Aero and the Mephisto in a line-up of which player is best. Whenever you get to this level of componentry most of the equipment that occupies the top shelf is spectacular. Various system configurations, interconnects and the like can quite easily make or break a good player at these levels. Therefore it simply becomes more an issue of personal preference and the occasional perceived difference that dictate which is better.

Why I chose the Mephisto over the Accuphase was simply the fact that it produced a more life like sound un my system - it wasn't "in your face" like some of the other players and it wasn't greater than life either - like some of the other players.

For example, some people like to buy CD players because they have "more bass". Well... one must ask his/her self if that extra bass puts the music over the top. Is it still realistic? There are people who like exaggerated bass and there are people who have systems which need the emphasis.

My goal was to produce a system which was neither too much or too little of anything - just the right amount. I don't want a soundstage bigger than the performance and I don't want blurry players. I want the real deal. With my system, I must say the Mephisto comes the closest to producing the realistic performance of any CD player I have heard, however I have spent countless hours and a few bucks tweaking my system's interconnects, and power cords to accomodate the short falls of my system (including the Mephisto) to acheive what I think might be close - it's not really possible but... it is fun trying.

I guess I would say that which CD player is best all depends on you. In some system contexts, I presume a 2nd tier CD player could completely wipe out any of my favorites if it was paired with the right interconnects and power cords. System synergy has more to do with the results you acheive than the individual component. It takes time and energy to produce a system with good synergy and of course it helps to start off with a component we identify as being "the best".
AS said i think Mr. Bwhite has done an outstanding job in reviewing these superior units..however if i could rewrite the title of the thread i would like it to read...METRONOME's line of $2K to $6K vs all other digital units in each price category of the NOME's...reason being...METRONOME is the only lab offering an extensive line of reputable very high quality craftmanship...there is something for almost everyone here...i probably will do a thread on this IF no responce to this post
Hey Thanks Tweekerman!! Guess what?? Well, I sold my Audiomeca Keops. I thought it would take a long time to sell but - as it turns out it didn't. The person who purchased it is certainly enjoying a fantastic player.

Anyhow, what I wanted to tell you all is that I am now using a Sony Playstation 2 as my CD player!! Oh.. Man!!

When is Pay Day??
Bryan you went from owning 3 of the best digital players on the market ..and have regressed to a SONY..PLAYSTATION (what's that?) i feel for can only get better hang in there...if your sony malfunctions i'll lend you my NAD which i don't even listen to lately...because of the dreaming of owning a METRONOME...this hi-end audio really messes with the mind...can't EVEN listen to music for the want of the other woman stealing the heart