Any feedback on the Graham Phantom

Does anyone own a Phantom? Can you share experiences.
How long did you have to wait to get yours?
Gmorris,please report back when you actually "DO" the listening,to determine what compatibility issues are brought out by varied weights in cartridge design.Your 30 years in the hobby should weigh heavily in knowing this,already!BTW,please take any jabs,from me,as just typical debate,as though we were having a GOOD TUSSLE at a commonly shared listening session.I just had one this past weekend,and am still leaving my "Curad's" in place for a few more days.Seems some of my best audio-pals "LOVE" to give the criticism,BUT GOOD,but don't like to receive it.

Recent cause of latest club debate==="The ground loop hum you are hearing is having no impact on the music perceived".==followed by fisticuffs.OUCH!!
Bob Graham is making a heavier counterweight for the Phantom specifically for heavier cartridges. Have not seen a Phantom so I don't know if it is compatible with the older Graham arms.
Regardless of any doubts that I may have regarding the Phantom(and let's face it,I don't delude myself into thinking I'm anymore than "just an audio geek",my daughter's description,not mine,though true),Bob Graham,STILL has a KILLER(as in great)reputation of introducing fabulous products.He,also,has a real knack for tweaking the hell out of them in reasonably priced updates.That is one reason why I "Love" the superb and proven 2.2.

In all honesty,and realizing that my fascination(fantasy)about owning a linear tracker will never happen,due to the "PAIN IN THE ASS" factor of set up, and maintaining the BEAST,I would say that the PHANTOM and SHRODER REFERENCE,with an outside shot of the new 12.6 inch VPI(no damping fluid in this design)look,to me only,to be the REAL DEAL for any potential contenders to either championship belts.I haven't heard a big deal made over the Basis design,and don't know if IMMEDIA is in the game anymore!Oh,yeah!There is always the SME stuff.Been around forever.Hard to kill.

What ever happened to that fascinating DYNAVECTOR arm of years ago.I had a friend who had one running,with a custom Japanes table,on Beveridge Speakers.KOetsu Onyx Platinum Cart.What a COOL set-up he had,and what a nice guy.We'd stay at his penthouse pad,audioing out until 3 or 4 am.Those were the days.He was a retired antique dealer,and while we listened to his rig he would dimly light up his original(real) tiger rug,with full size head intact!.Scared the crap out of us, if too imbibed.No non-stop criticism,of differing audio philosophies.No criticising other people's equipment choices.Just great fun,and sound!!

Is it too late for me to add a new "NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION?
Not having been able to procure a Lift2, I am nevertheless pleased to report success using the original Expressimo Lift as an arm raiser for the Phantom, installed behind the pivot and oriented to push down on the VTF knob. (Perhaps the Lift2 I ordered will arrive in a future month or year.) I had to mount the Lift on a thick washer to give it greater height, but I didn't need to get a heavier falling weight, as I had originally feared.
My new friend Sirspeedy has mentioned how important the tone arm cable is in our systems. I agree!

I have ordered a Revelation Audio Labs tone arm cable. The price is $399.00. I am interested in seeing if this cable outperforms my IC-70. I have discovered that there are many small companies-hobbyists making great cables at very reasonable prices.

From revelation Audio Labs:

Hi Steven,

Our tone arm version of the 'Paradise' analog interconnect cable utilizes the excellent Van Den Hull TAC (Tone Arm Connector), seen here:

Its 5 contacts are 24 karat gold over silver over copper plated. The connector contacts with their standard 270° pin configuration are based in a Teflon disc. The disc can be adjusted in any angle related to the connector housing. This to set the optimal position related to the tone arm. The connector housing incorporates a 90° bend to combine vertical mounting and horizontal cable exit.

The RCA connectors are of course the exquisite WBT Nextgen AG (Silver) Signature.

Like all our cables, we offer a 30-day home may be returned for a full refund of your purchase price if you are not satisfied.

Our 1-meter tone arm cable is $399.

As always, we appreciate your business.

God bless,
Brad Vojtech
Revelation Audio Labs, Inc.

Brad's power cables had the most natural midrange I have ever heard with a tight defined bass and detailed high end. They also had an enormous soundstage. They were $799.00 and outperformed more expensive competitors. Since he has a 30 day refund policy, what have I got to loose? His web site explains his cable design.

I will let you guys know how this cable stacks up to the IC-70. It’s about time we start looking for great performance at affordable prices.

And yes Sirspeedy, I have lusted as well for an air bearing tangent tracking arm. I have tended to end up in the Graham camp as his setup is so easy and permanent.
