AudioMeca vs. AudioAero vs. Electrocompaniet

Hi, Soon i will be looking for a cdp my choices are: Audiomeca Keops($1800 new) Audio Aero Prima(old model $1500 new model?) or a used 24/96 Electrocompaniet ( around $2200 with potential future upgrade $1K). I'm sure you can't go wrong on any of the 3. However a few comments may help me to make the best choice. I have a Jadis Orchestra(40 watt). So i need a cdp with good low frequency resolution. Thanks
Thanks for the great information you guys, it was just what I wanted to read. I'm wondering though, if it wouldn't be better to just order the Audio Aero, or another top brand of cd player, without having to send your Sony all over the place. I don't have a lot of CD's at this time, so was thinking of buying a SACD player and go for quality instead of quantity (SACD's instead of redbook cd's). I know that SACD's are limited at this time. If the redbook quality is very good, I may just purchase it anyway. Thanks again for the thoughtful and useful information.
While SACD can be viewed as limited (something like 400-500 discs available worldwide) by some people I guess it all depends on what suits your taste. I for one can't even think of 30 redbooks cds I want right now so I guess its a preception issue. As for shipping it, if I were to purchase a new Sony and desired it to be modded, I would have Oade send it directly to my "modder of choice" who would then forward it to me once completed. I can personally attest that my modded 333ES is now an entirely different animal.

No doubt the new AA is a killer but at a list price of almost $9K I wonder just how a modded XA777ES player (maybe even a tube version) might fare with an estimated total investment of $4500 in comparison...

Good luck whatever your decision.
if i had a choice of the CAPITIOLE vs the new VECTEUR D-2 trans + an upgraded KORA HERMES dac...$8500 vs $1200+2500...i would not hesitate for a moment and take the V+K..that should be the current winning combo in digital choices these days
tweek- how could you say that? only a select few have heard the new Capitole, I should get mine in about a week and will of coures report the results, have you heard the new unit? if not make such a statement in a few weeks, but from what I am told from those who have heard the unit, it is amazing!

~Tim it possible to have a one box digital player producing musical sound thats worth $8K?..yes my previous post is based on economics...which is my situation..let me know about your new CAPITOLE..give me your honest opinion.. i've got a long way to go for an upgrade to that level..i'm working on speakers..then onto digital upgrade..yea my bad