AudioMeca vs. AudioAero vs. Electrocompaniet

Hi, Soon i will be looking for a cdp my choices are: Audiomeca Keops($1800 new) Audio Aero Prima(old model $1500 new model?) or a used 24/96 Electrocompaniet ( around $2200 with potential future upgrade $1K). I'm sure you can't go wrong on any of the 3. However a few comments may help me to make the best choice. I have a Jadis Orchestra(40 watt). So i need a cdp with good low frequency resolution. Thanks
I have the Capitole MK I, and would love to know what other owners have found as the best aftermarket power cord to use on this CDP...
Hi Sutts - with the AA Capitole.

Number one source cable (in popularity) right now is the Dave Elrod's EPS-2. I haven't been able to get my hands on one yet but from what I have read about these, they are outstanding. You might ask around - do a post on the subject & look for comparisons. You've got a great CDP and it deserves a great power cord.

Otherwise, you might try the Shunyata King Cobra V2 if you are using tube amps/preamp. Try the V1 if you're using solid state.

NBS Statement will certainly liven up the place. Its also a fantastic sounding power cord - but polar opposite of the Shunyata.

Hi Bryan, I will be getting the EPS-2 soon for the Audiomeca CDP. Also, Stewart at Sanctuary of Sound will be getting a $300 replacement for the stock computer cord (alas, David Elrod told me he could design a new one but he's way too busy with work as it is - his speaker wires and interconnects are coming out in the fall).

I'm still recovering from my recent trip to Lyric HiFi a few blocks from my apartment; they had the replacement to the NBS Statement hanging on the wall with a tiny price tag attached with a big number on it - 3750. I thought they must have forgotten the decimal point, but .... they didn't. I never like going home empty-handed, so a bought of couple of interesting CDs, like the Burmester sampler #3
(very smooth).

If you'd like, I'd be happy to send the EPS-2 to you for evaluation in your system as I'm still in the process of setting up mine. The Talon Ravens have nearly fully broken in; I'm becoming an expert of sorts in break-in CDs ;^). My next priority is replacing my duplex outlet and diving into the wonderful world of power conditioners.

To more quickly attend to the main question, I think the Audiomeca not only looks good but sounds great. Now, how about the upcoming Prestige A/V player by Audio Aero which will play everything (I mean SACD / DVD-A / redbook / multichannel, etc.). This kind of makes the current Capitole (at $8.6K) a bit superfluous; although it's an excellent player it will certainly be at least equalled in redbook by the Prestige, and the latter is just so much more flexible.

The Prestige also looks greeeeeaaaaat! (check out the bottom of this page -
Thanks Bryan (re: the powercord recommendations). I have spoken with Stewart at SOS, and done my research (I know another owner who has tried EVERYTHING and swears by hos Electraglide PC's), and apparently the new Electraglide stuff is a notch above the Elrod (especially the new Ghengis Khan)- but then againm for the price, it better be!!
Tweekerman... I'd be interested in hearing how your search has gone. these are among the same players I'm trying to decide upon...