Have experience with the MAS GRAY interconnect?

I remember the MAS Gray was well-thought of a number of years ago. Now that it is available for $60 per 1 m. pair, I'm curious how it compares to present day stuff. I'm using Acoustic Zen Matrix, and I have my doubts that it will compare to that. Anyone used it and compared it to other present day cables?
I tried the MAS Silver and although it had some good qualities, it ultimately was too bright and piercing for my ears. However, I have in my system the MAS Black( $45.00/pr.) and it is much more natural sounding to me. I found the best place for it on my Cdp. It actually outperformed the AZ Matrix there. The AZ Matrix works better in my system from pre to amp. Have fun experimenting.
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I have a few pairs of Gray, Black, and Blue that I've bought from Stu over the years; even back when he lived in Pennsylvania.

I'd sort of agree with using the Black for some model CD players. The black is a little more "analog like". Question is...does Stu still have the supplies to make the Black? The Black also use to make a pretty good speaker cable for electrostatic speakers.

For most analog equipment though, like tuners, turntables, tape decks, the Gray is very fine for the $60 it now costs. Fine for some CD players that might be a litte laid back

The Gray also makes a mighty fine inexpensive digital cable. Wadia years ago use to include in the box, one of Stu's Gray cables as a digital cable, to go along with some of their early DAC's. You might find some old archived Stereophile Magazine articles on using the Gray for digital.

The cheap Blue were/are very fine for replacing OEM cables in inexpensive gear. In better more revealing gear you can hear a hint of grain in the sound. But for the +/- $30 he use to charge for them, no one should be complaining. He may not be able to make these anymore..?? You'll have to ask...