VPI Ring Clamp

Hello, Has anyone experieced the ring clamp being hard to take of the platter ?
I have found the ring clamp to be very good at allowing me to play previously almost unplayable discs - those warped on track one - especially a recent Johnny Cash issue.
I have had troubles with some German pressings of L.P.'s which are smaller in outside diameter and the ring just slips right over the disc and becomes a pain to get off.
Mark Knoffler's last 2 releases seem particularly affected, which is sad, as they have good material on them.
The VPI ring clamp has two large circular cross-section rubber bands circling its outer perimeter. These rubber bands rest in grooves in the outer surface and serve as decorative trim and, to a minor degree, soft bumpers when the ring clamp is placed on a surface edgewise.

One of the rubber bands broke this weekend. I found it lying on the plinth. Fortunately, I was able to glue it back together with super glue. Upon inspection, I could see a few other places where the rubber was starting to split, and I repaired these with super glue as well.

I mention this here because I think it would be worthwhile to inspect the rubber bands to anticipate any break. Although I didn't actually see the break occur, I can imagine the broken ends whipping around the platter and possibly wiping out a cartridge cantilever. (I was lucky.) Better to do a repair or replacement before this happens.
Same thing happened to me a week ago. Went to play a record and found the band on the plinth. I contacted VPI and they're sending me a new band. Never even thought about the possibility of it damaging a cantilever, but I guess anything is possible.

I wonder how the thing could break considering the belt on the Scoutmaster has a lot more to do and seems fine.
Might have been exposed to a cleaning agent somewhere along the way. Most cleaning agents will neutralize the softening chemicals in vinyls and rubbers, causing them to become brittle and crack after several months. The drive belt would never have to be cleaned this way, but the ring clamp might have been. Dunno.
I have had my HRX for about 18 mnths now. Both rubber belt around the platter have cracked and broken. Also I have had one of the motor belts snap as well.

Have you guys noticed that if you look cafefully around there are cracks all around the rubber belts.

I think that this is just the rubber drying out and naturally craking, then breaking. Nothing to do with chemicals or anything.