I sure this has been asked, but our collections grow and change. How many do you have and what kinds of music do you have? Where do you get most of your pressings?
I have around 4000, 1/4 - 1/3 are classical, 1/4 are folk and bluegrass, 1/4 jazz and the rest rock. Would like more Jazz. I buy most of mine from garage sales and used record stores. Just now finding out about new pressings and 180-220 gram discs!!!!
I'm with diamonddude........... anyone wanna give some of those old records up? BTW I had a group of audio buddy's over recently and we were comparing CD players (of the over $5,000 variety) and most of it was splitting hairs between the two. Then I put on an LP of the same CD we had been listening to without telling anyone. Everyone was gobsmacked to say the least.
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