How many records do you own?

I sure this has been asked, but our collections grow and change. How many do you have and what kinds of music do you have? Where do you get most of your pressings?

I have around 4000, 1/4 - 1/3 are classical, 1/4 are folk and bluegrass, 1/4 jazz and the rest rock. Would like more Jazz.
I buy most of mine from garage sales and used record stores.
Just now finding out about new pressings and 180-220 gram discs!!!!
Elizabeth - There are lots of great, original Blue Note LP's on Ebay - you just have to figure on spending $50 to "skys the limit" for them. I guess the relevant question is "At what price differential is an inferior cd or sacd preferable to a near mint original LP"? My limit is $200 for something really special but for the most part $50 - $100 for near mint quality. That's why I don't buy as many LP's as others on this thread but probably haven't spent much more in total.
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About 700 total. About 690 of that total was purchased prior to 1985. I probably listen to no more than 5 lp's per year.

I'm overhauling my system right now, I will listen to more vinyl when the overhaul is complete. The overhaul will include about $3k of new tuntable, arm and cartridge. I will also get myself a good record cleaning machine.
About 1,400, predominately classical, but some terrific jazz and blues recordings. Used to have three times as many but gave most away years ago. I dumped B and C-quality recordings and performances mostly, nothing I was in love with. My wife, who plays piano and horn and composes for fun, appreciates LPs more than CDs and chides me still for unloading so many. Frankly, my turntable setup (a legacy rega planar 3 with grace cartridge) doesn't do the best of them justice. Still, we continue to buy LPs at second hand shops when they look interesting. I only bought a couple of "new" vinyl recording in the past decade however. Lacking a really good turnatable, I don't see the point.