Best CD Player - Opinions?

I currently have a Wadia 850 CD player within a dual Home Theater / Audio system. I'm looking to upgrade and contemplating the Wadia 850, EMC-1, Levinson or Krell 28kps CD players. What opinions do you have on the best CD player I can pick? Thanks for the help.

Krell FPB 300cx amp
Krell KAV 250 (3) amp
Krell KAV 250 amp
Wadia 850 CD
Krell HTS 7.1
Cardas Golden Cross Interconnects / Speaker Cable
Dennon 3700 DVD
Nautilus 802, 805 and HTM1 Speakers
M&K 350 Sub
Looks like you are a big Krell fan - I am too. My recommendation would be the Krell KPS-28c, to match your other Krell components. While Krell sound may not to everyone's taste, I find the details, range extension, speed and dynamics of Krell components quite unmatched, and these qualities suit my taste quite well. I don't particularly like laid-back, warm and fuzzy sound.

I have a KPS-28c cd player coupled with Krell KAV amps, and I have not been disappointed, although I look forward to upgrading to a FPB amp in the future. Like you, I have Nautilus speakers (801s/HTM-1/805), but with Lexicon MC-1. So far I am still enjoying my set up very much, until maybe someday when I get tired of the Krell sound.....
Thanks all for the ideas. This gives me alot to think through before my next upgrade. Great feedback!!!

Just curious, with my current set up what would you upgrade first (add a preamp or digital)?

My vote would go to the BAT VK-D5SE. You owe it to yourself to listen to one of these units.
You know what Iam going to say. Levinson 39 and then upgrade it to the 390 which will blow your socks off. I spoke to a person who matched the new levinson 390 to the krell kps 28c and said the levinson was smoother more textured and layered sounding compared to the krell. In my opinion Levinson makes the best digital gear out there but there are other companys that do a good job. Good Luck. Also THE 39 WILL SMOOTH YOUR SYSTEM OUT, IT WILL REMOVE SOME OF THE ROUGH EDGES