Speaker Wires on Carpet

I was reading that carpet will interfere with the signal going through speaker wires if the wires are on the carpet. I was wondering if the amount of interference varies depending on whether the positive and negative wires are twisted together versus running straight and parallel to each other. Also, will certain types of wire jackets cut down on interfence?

I ask this because I have wires running next to the base boards on the floor in my (carpeted) dining room since that's the most unobtrusive place for them. I may consider some type of wire elevators if they are reasonably priced and look nice.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
It's hard to imagine what, exactly, a carpet could do to alter the signal traveling thru a wire to your speakers. Just place 'em where you won't trip over 'em and don't run 'em next to any power lines and you'll be fine.
Wait! Are you guys serious? If you are, then cable elevators and the like are...are...are....worthless. :--))
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Bomarc ... I have not tried to listen with cables on the carpet and with them lifted off the carpet. Your post makes it sound like you have "Carpet doesn't affect the signal" is rather emphatic.

Can you advise how you lifted the cables, what you heard etc during your test(s)?