Trans Temp W, Magic Diamond cartridges - comments

Thanks to these forums, I feel like I know everything there is to know about ZYX's, but has anyone anything to say about the new Transfiguration Temper W? How about this year's cult fave, the Bluelectric Magic Diamond (Lloyd Walker's current favorite.)
Dear Rushton: Somebody in this forum post that the Magic cartridges comes from a Denon 103 design. Do you know something about?

Regards and enjoy the music.
As best I know, it does not come from a Denon. I've never confirmed what the designer uses as a base unit; I've heard Allaerts but don't know. I asked Lloyd Walker one day and his answer was "I don't know. All I know is that it sounds really good."
FYI Magic Diamond cartridges are a product of MagicMicro, a division of the Swiss company Bluelectric. They are distributed in the US by AXISS Distribution Inc. Copy and paste this long link into your browser to go to their website:,GGLD:2003-39,GGLD:en
Actually, the the name is "MicroMagic" (I keep turning the name around, too :) )
Here's a clickable version of Nsgarch's link to the Swiss web site:
And with English translation:
dietiker-humbel, as above
And link to a page with photos of the Magic Diamond cartridge: