Help - I've got an Ocean in my Phono Stage

I'm using a Rega P3 and a Denon 103R cartridge, with a Monolithic PS-1 Phono stage.

The PS-1 just barely has enough gain to handle the Denon cartridge - I've got to max out the gain on it.... however I'm getting this loud background hiss/hum sound that sounds kind of like the ocean at night. I really thought the problem was with the Rega, because I recently rewired it. However, on a whim, last night I unplugged the Rega from the Monolithic and lo and behold - still getting the noise.

I've tested all of the inputs on my pre-amp and amp... so I know that the hiss-hum-ocean sound is coming from the PS-1.

I've tried moving the PS-1 and changing the outlet the power cord is plugged in to.

I know that I've got a lot of RF in my listening area - but am curious why it might only affect the PS-1...

Any ideas on how to fix this problem (like buy a new phono stage that can handle a low output MC cartridge) would be appreciated.


While I'm no expert at your problem,just junior varisity--- I would say it might be a power cord or a power supply to close to an ic. If this was a tubed pre, I would say you have a bad tube.
I'm not really familar with the PS-1 but from what you have said it sounds like at max gain you may be hearing the units noise floor. I assume when you back off the gain the noise goes away. If this assumption is correct you should consider getting a medium/high output cartridge or a phono stage with more gain.
An open circuit on the input to the phono preamp may permit noise. Try shorting the input to the preamp, and see if what the noise level is. If the noise persists the phono preamp is faulty. If it goes away, recheck the phono pickup wiring. If seagulls begin squwakling overhead, go outside for a walk.
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