VenHaus Pulsar™ interconnects

Has anyone used this product as an audio IC (it apparently can be used in digital and video applications, too)? What were your impressions? I own some VenHaus PCs that rock, and am interested in what any owner of the VenHaus ICs has to say. In advance, thanks for your reply.

VenHaus site:
I'm looking forward to hearing the results of TVAD's Au24 vs. Pulsar comparison. I'm all Audience right now and am curious about this matchup.
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Tvad I am also waiting on the result of the Au24 and
Pulsar matchup, take your time.
HaHaHa... I probably shouldn't have done / said what i did. Nothing like dumping a "project" on someone that's not expecting it, huh ??? Sorry 'bout dat Tvad... : )

As the other guys said, take your time and don't feel rushed. While i am of the belief that initial impressions DO count, i also know that a high "wow" factor can be deceiving in the short term. As such, you have to balance initial observations & "gut feelings" with long term observations and becoming familiar with the product. Given our private emails, i know that you're capable of being quite articulate and a great communicator. You proved this to me when i asked for feedback in a "brutally honest" fashion. Boy, did you deliver... : ) Sean
What Sean means is that we expect an initail impression, expresed in the form of a Haiku poem, and a longer term assesment in an epic novel format. War and Peace is suggested as a guideline.