What is the advantage of a balanced interconnect?

How does a balanced interconnect work (perform) as opposed to a regular interconnect?

I've been out of the "market" for a while and am a little behind. It seems "balanced" is better; however, one guy told me that unless I am running long lengths I don't need to worry about balanced interconnects. Equipment would be NAD or Parasound CD Player, undetermined DA Converter (the $3,000 question), tube monoblocks, and Magneplaner speakers (probably just 1.6's). [I think I hope to purchase a DAC with a volume control and run the interconnect directly to the amplifier - no pre-amp. I think.]

A quick primer on balanced interconnects would be appreciated. Thanks
Unless the all the equipment you buy has electrical interfaces for balanced line interconnects, you can't use them anyway, so don't worry about it.

For home audio equipment balanced interfaces are a high cost "boutique" feature. In pro sound equipment, where balanced line have a real technical advantage, they are routine, and add little to cost.
Yep, found the search function on the first page (too tired last night to back up one more page to find it but I knew there must be one).

Sounds like, for my "medium" priced system (I remember when $5K was a lot more than medium), unless I just run across monoblocks whose mfr. states balanced is better, I don't really need to give balanced another thought.

Rwwear...Is 6dB of extra gain a good thing? It will force you to attenuate the signal more by turning your volume control down.

If you have hum when single ended RCA cables are used, your equipment and/or cables have a problem.