I am in the process of actually setting up my Teres, at last. Finally got my HHG equipment stand on Friday so I could complete this set up. Because of space constraints I had to put all of my audio components on one stand instead of having the turntable on its own stand, as is recommended. So I have a 4 shelf stand plus the turntable on the top; the stand is made out of hardwoods and granite. All of this is on a wood floor, too. The stand itself actually weighs 350 lbs, but it is still not as massive as some people consider adequate. I am hoping for the best. It sure doesn't seem to have any sway or reaction to people moving around in the house, but I don't have my tonearm/cartridge set up as yet, so haven't tested everything with a record playing.
Anyway, my situation isn't quite like yours other than not being ideal. I also have the Model 160 as opposed to the higher end models you are considering. But, though I have little experience with tonearms, so you can take this recommendation with a large grain of salt, I highly recommend the Morch DP6 tonearm. I heard it with a Model 255 and it was wonderful, and Chris was also highly pleased with the combo. I bought it from Chris the same day, with a 12" armwand. I will be using it with a ZYX R100H cartridge, their basic model (all I could afford) and it is also has great synergy with the Teres & the DP6.
Good luck, Encyclopediabsh. Let us know what you decide to do and which Teres you decide to get. They are all things of beauty!