Purist Audio & Stereophile

I often wonder why Purist (particularly Dominus) never rate a mention in their recommended interconnects/speaker cables when they wax absolutely lyrical about Nordost, Harmonic Tech, Synergistic, etc,(even Radio Shack get a mention)and other cables that I (and obviously others on this forum) think are blown away by Purist, especially Dominus.
Any thoughts?
Simple, advertising $$$. When was the last time you saw a full page ad for Purist? The others are all major advertisers. It's as simple as that. Look at it like politics. A politician is bound to look after the needs of his larger contributors more than someone who didn't contribute.

Recommended components are basically worthless. I don't buy because of recommended components list, but it does make selling easier.
I can tell you that one Absolute Sound reviewer uses Dominus exclusively on his own system and a ex Fi Mag guy uses only Dominus.

As for Stereophile? I don't know.

Ever see a sports star come on television and tell you how great McDonalds or KFC is?

At their income level, I suspect they frequent Mortons more often than Micky D's, but guess who pays big bucks for them to appear in those TV ads?

Please note. I am NOT saying that Nordost or other fine cable companies are not good. Only that what people put in reviews is not necessarily what they choose for their own listening.
It's interesting, as well, that neither Stereophile nor Absolute Sound (as far as I can recall) ever mention Transparent Cables.