Wadia 861 Owners...

...are you running direct to your amp as recommended? If so, have you enjoyed the sound running into solid-state or tubed amps, and have you had the opportunity to compare the differences? I am considering an 861se (which I'll audition with my BAT SS amp) but am looking to upgrade my amplification to meet the needs of a new room (22x25x9). My musical tastes are across the spectrum, but I focus on acoustic jazz. Speakers are Verity Parsifals (nominal 6 ohm). Thanks in advance for any suggestions or observations.
Thanks for your input, guys.

Jfrech, I've had the venerable VK200/VK3i combo for five years. In a smaller space (12x14x8) the amp has never been underpowered and married well with Meridian sources and the Parsifals. I've heard the 75se in other systems and it was very good...with a larger room your suggestion of monos make sense. The new VK55s might work though I suspect supertube afficionados will suggest I look for used 75ses.

Do you guys isolate your source? If so, how?
I have my SME 20 turntable on a Symposium Ultra shelf, ditto for my BAT VK51se. My Esoteric DV 50 (brand new) is on some very large metal cones. My BAT VKP10SE is on Symposium Rollerblocks and fat padz. Everything then sits on a Arcici Suspense rack. My amp is on a sound anchor custom stand. It made a huge diff for the amp and only $200.

I used to have a Wadia 850, it benefited greatly from isolation. Depends where you want to push the sound on what type. Rollerblocks, more detail, silence generally. cones a warmer sound. All depends-these are general statements.

Since you're using a vk200, I went from that amp to a VK60 several years ago. You loose a little in bass control, everything else clearly better, mostly the midrange and depth.

You'd love a VK60se or a 75se. You won't notice any power difference. For the price of a vk55, you can get a used 75se.
I've used my 861 with both ss and tubes (Levinson and CAT). Both work well; however, I recently inserted a Supratek Chenin preamp into the mix, and with my system, the 861 sounds MUCH better with the Chenin, than without!
I've owned a few Wadia players and I'm currently using an 861 with a GNSC Statement upgrade. I've used Spectral amps and preamps and ran the 861 straight into a 150 II and through a DMC 20 II and I preferred it without the preamp. I also used a Rowland 8TiHC with and without a Lamm L1. I still preferred the Wadia running directly to the amp. I have also run the Wadia straight into a pair of Tenor 75Wis and also connected it throught the passive volume attenuators and my preference was the direct route. I currently have the 861 going straight into a Boulder 1060 and I think it sounds more like the real thing to me. I've run both balanced and single ended and it's really a matter of preference because with an all balanced system you get more impact, but you lose a little something in top end finesse. That's not to say that there aren't some preamps that will work well because I sure others out there will attest that they do. Obviously I think you chose a great player to experiment with.
I'm running my Wadia861se GNSC into a Boulder 1012 pre-amp. I never seriously considered going direct to the amps for three reasons:
1. i wanted a greater range of volume setting than just affording by staying near the top of the Wadia digital attenuation
2. i required the ability to switch between a couple different source components
3. the Boulder is a fantastic pre-amp, and i believe that the buffering and drive capabilities of a good pre-amp should not be discarded off-hand (especially when mated to the same mfg's power amps).

just my opinion.