Wadia 861 Owners...

...are you running direct to your amp as recommended? If so, have you enjoyed the sound running into solid-state or tubed amps, and have you had the opportunity to compare the differences? I am considering an 861se (which I'll audition with my BAT SS amp) but am looking to upgrade my amplification to meet the needs of a new room (22x25x9). My musical tastes are across the spectrum, but I focus on acoustic jazz. Speakers are Verity Parsifals (nominal 6 ohm). Thanks in advance for any suggestions or observations.
Thanks, Audiobugged, for your comments re the VK3i. If it's not used in my main system it'll go into my 'kitchen' rig. Yes, I've got NOS tubes in it and for the money it's a great performer. I'll be doing my critical research over the next couple of months and will keep everyone apprised of my findings. My thanks to everyone for their suggestions and insight, you guys make the process even more enjoyable!
Wow a Kitchen Rig, now there's an area I never thought of building a system! But how do you protect it from the splatter of bacon grease???
Four sheets of nylon window screen stitched together, which also helps to damp a very live end room... All right, a fellow literalist!

Actually the system resides in an adjacent family room but the Vandys fire directly into the kitchen. We love to cook and we really love to listen to music while we are cooking or eating...like most of you.