Coolest looking cd player in history

Check out this Shanling CD-T100 Tube CD Player. It looks unbelievable.

Check out these Song speakers.
The Shanling is now being imported by MusicHall( I beleive)and the reported retail is $2000. On inmate at AA was able to get one direct before Shanling began dealing with MH and if memory serves me right he paid about $1200 for his. This player was at the show in Montreal this past weekend retailing at $3000 Cdn or about $2000 US. As Chris indicates while the look of the player are great a little time in use will show its colors...
Thanks to Bwhite for the great job in providing the fantastic photos of this...i'm speechless!...WOWWWW!!!!...this is one i say "don't care what it sounds like just want one to look at!!"...I thought i would never consider buying a japenese cd player (i love the french designs) and even less a chinese product! However this unit just haunts the audiorealm of my mind!!...All my past many hours of diligent research for the best digital player at around $2K has now been made obsolete...and at $2K!!!???!!! too good to be true...quality may be questionable..the waiting list will be 2 years that time i'll get the SHANLING MK11...MADE IN CHINA...
Hey Marsh where can i take a look at this 47 LABS PI??...YOU mean to say it tops this SHANLING?...What about the PRICE?