VPI has reversed course on the springs and before dicontinuing the series they went back to sorbathane pucks on the MK III and IV.
They actually sell the older design pucks to retrofit the tables that were sold with springs. Who knows they may give 'em to you. (I doubt it)
I have a MK III that has the pucks and there is no bounce when used upstairs on a pretty springy floor. My previous suspended Thorens bounced if I even thought of walking anywhere near the TT and the VPI resides in the same exact location.
So just change out those springs for the sorbathane pucks.
Good Luck
Paul Green
They actually sell the older design pucks to retrofit the tables that were sold with springs. Who knows they may give 'em to you. (I doubt it)
I have a MK III that has the pucks and there is no bounce when used upstairs on a pretty springy floor. My previous suspended Thorens bounced if I even thought of walking anywhere near the TT and the VPI resides in the same exact location.
So just change out those springs for the sorbathane pucks.
Good Luck
Paul Green