Metronome Labs: can I get at least one post

telling me how ANY of their units sound and equally important when buying digital is the quality...did you know that digital players tend to go dead and/or skip...well its true...i can't find even 1 review anywhere... i have a hunch its a great product "can i get a witness"
in regards to low jitter in the Theta Data 2, I run mine into a Genesis Digital Lens which gives a jitter readout, FWIW, the jitter reading is quite a bit higher than my Audiomeca Mephisto 1. The Theta is around 33, the Mephisto is 4. Although, with the Genesis Lens, the #s are irrelevant, the Data w/o the Lens in theory would have hight jitter. I dont think the fact that the huge LD clamp has anything to do with the units Jitter......lastly, the Theta is a great sounding unit regardless of Jitter. I run it into an Audiologic 34 DAC.
Justlisten - thanks for the info. I have no way of measuring jitter - guess it was a presumption as to why the EAD T1000 (I believe it is the same transport mechanisim as the Data 2) sounds so darn good. As a transport only, it killed my Mephisto II. You seem to have quite a few thoughts as to what doesn't contribute to the sound quality of these transports but - do you have any idea why it sounds so good?

The Audiologic is a good DAC.