Best Used CD Player for 2,500 - 3,000

Any suggestion on the best used CD player in this price range. I am building a system from scratch, only have speakers picked out at this point. (Thiel 6s)
Ag insider logo xs@2xmwthorne
Muse 9 sig, Bat vkd5, Wadia 850 are good choices...I've owned them all and liked em...Wadia is good choice if you can skip the preamp...
When the new Audio Aero Capitole hits the streets, any time now, you may see a few of the current models for sale used, possibly for more than your price point but worthy of consideration nonetheless.
I would definitely try the Arcam FMJ CD23, which retails for about $2,295. I have owned Wadia, Theta and Audio Research, and I think that this Arcam FMJ CD23 can hold its own in any good system. As with any, carefully select the interconnect that joins it to the amp. I use Audio Research tubes and Silverline SR17's ... I've got very good sound!