Jagger gets a real job, finally.

Not really. But I'd like to know if he thinks he deserves the remuneration he's enjoyed for the last 50 years. Notoriety, yes, celebrity ?, respect...for what? Okay, so market forces drive the value of what we love the most(other than our wives of course:). But should a monetary value be placed on music? Should money be included in it's intrinsic value? Should I receive accolades just because I came up with a catchy tune ? Do I deserve to be rewarded for loving music? Seriously. Granted, musicians need to be payed. I also have a day job. I get it that the economy must play it's role in delivering the product. But the kinds of profiteering by the industry and the players is obscene. Did Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky etc. miss out? What is a fair reward for what we've been listening to and what's been driving our hobby? IMO, it's notoriety. Honorable recognition is the highest reward one should aspire to as an artist. In the meantime, get a job! That's my position. I'm curious to know what you guys/gals think.
Life, of course, isn't fair, but sometimes we need to question inequities and ponder if there is a better way to do certain things.

Food for thought

And pray tell where r u going to find these guiding angels to make certain there is a better way of doing things? It's been tried before and failed everytime.
You can't blame him for wanting to cover up that face, especially nowadays. Nice room btw.

Artists in general are the most socialist people on the planet.
My favorite bumper sticker: " gotta go to work, thousands of people are counting on it"
Abuck - LOL!
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