MSB Link DAC III vs. CAL Sigma

I'm seeking opinions on which DAC would best suit my system, the CAL Sigma with a Telefunken 12AX7 tube installed or a stock (unmodified) MSB Link DAC III. My system currently consists of an Audible Illusions Modulus 3 preamp, Golden Tube SE-100 power amp, Pioneer Elite PD-54 stable platter CD player that I'll be using for the transport, and a pair of Acoustat Spectra 11 hybrid electrostatic speakers. I'd have to say that presently, the one biggest problem with my system is that it tends to sound a bit dark. So, how about it? Which DAC would you recommend to put a little more life into my system? Thanks in advance for any recommendations.
the msb will have stronger more defined bass control and a more'neutral' sound overall; the cal will be mellower and have a nice bass body and roundness to it with the Telefunken.
I have a 24/96 Sigma and the Telefunken is a good tube with it.
The power base with the MSB will improve the sound overall, for an extra $____?
I think the darkness is from the Golden tube amp mated with the speakers. Try a Pass Aleph 30 and the darkness will go away!
But then you might miss the 'midrange magic'!
this is a frustrating hobby at just can't have it all!
The MSB in stock form is definitely brighter sounding whereas the CAL sounds noticeably "tubey" i.e. warm and romantic. Since you already appear to be on that side of the spectrum, the MSB might be a better choice. It will add a somewhat transistor sound to your system, but this can be worked out with relatively inexpensive mods. Sean
If you want to "lighten" the sound of your system without ruining it, you may want to try some "revealing" cables. If you do not have a good local dealer to work with, try the Cable Co, as you should "try before you buy" and they usually can recommend something that will work with your gear. For Dacs, I have tried a stock MSB Link I at home and also owned a Cal Sigma. I would vote for the Cal Sigma. I did not consider the Cal to be as mellow as some do (neutral would be my opinion of it). However, I did think the MSB was lean sounding.
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Joe B and Jab, where you using the earlier Sigma or the 24 / 96 Sigma II ? I think that there is a BIG difference in sound between those two. Sean