$6-7k to Spend on Turntable

Hi All,

My old Oracle Mark II I have had for years has developed a serious problem with the motor. It plays very fast then slow and anywhere in between. I've decided not to fix it but get a new unit. The arm mounted on it is an SME IV, which I have been very pleased with.

I don't have time to demo a bunch of setups, I'd just like to move ahead on a replacement as soon as I can firm up a good replacement. A few ideas I have come up with within my price range:

- Verdier Platine and mount my old SME IV
- VPI TNT Mk 6 and figure out how to mount my old arm or spend some extra and get the JMW 12.5 if it is an improvement over the SME

Or is there something else out there that I should be considering? I don't tend to follow a lot of the reviews. I usually buy something then use it for years.

Other gear is AR SP-8 and VT-200 driving some Final 0.4s



Perhaps we would be able to better match a table to your needs if you provided a bit of information about what you are look (or listening) for.

As is, we can only respond with what we like.
Yes, I replaced the belt, but I still have issues with the motor turning too fast. 33 1/3 is very close to 45 rpm, but it also slows down below 33 1/3. It won't maintain a constant speed at all. I've been wanting to upgrade for some time anyway, so this is sort of the push to get me to do it.

Regarding the Teres 340, I hadn't really considered that table. Interesting that both recommendations I got were for that table. They are beautiful units, but I have never seen one in person. I'll do some more research on them. Can I mount my SME on the deck or do I need a new arm?

I have a new TNTjr with a MK6 platter on a REALLY solid foundation. It sounds excellent, so much so that I'm not sure whether it's worth getting the dual motor setup or peripehry ring. I've had a good listen to the HRX and it IS slightly better but not worth the extra money.
Your SME is a great piece of kit and I don't think you can top it unless your willing to part with lots of money on something like a Kuzma airline. My Eminent technology out-tracked a JMW 12.5. Other tonearms similar to yours will not give you much more satisfaction than what you already hear,IMHO.
Those Teres tables look stunning too and could be a worthy contender considering the press they get here, but I've never been fortunate enough to hear one.
I have heard however the Verdier table and would recommend it as well, it is very resolving.
The point is when you get to this price level not much will sound BAD!!! The law of diminishing returns kicks in big time around the $3000+mark so choose whichever table gives you the greatest pleasure listening to. It doesn't hurt if it's a little eye candy as well.
The Teres all come with an armboard and I believe that they can be drilled by Teres to allow you to mount the SME.
Email Chris Brady with any of your questions:



What am I looking for? Hmmm? I am not what one would call an equipment junkie. I tend to research a fair amount, buy something, then just hold on to if for a long time. Given that approach, I want to make sure the table I buy is going to last me a good twenty plus years, just like the Oracle. I'll probably buy a unit then I'll never research anything again unit some other part of my system goes belly up. I don't subscribe to audio rags. I just enjoy having nice equipment that allows me to 'listen' to music. In fact I spend way more time reading about and buying software than I do hardware.

I am not big into digital. I do have a decent CD deck, but my main source is vinyl. I listen to classical, jazz, blues, and rock. I am not a big bass junkie, having cut my teeth on maggies. I now run Final electrostatics, which do a very job of reproducing mids and highs. Bass is a bit weak, but fairly accurate. I don't necessarily need a table that is going to draw every drop out of the bass as I can reproduce it with my speakers.

Another concern is my preamp. I have an SP-8 that I dearly love. The phono stage requires a high output cartridge. I have no immediate plans on replacing the preamp, so I am wedded to high output cartridges. I am currently running a Grado Reference High Output cartridge on the SME IV. To keep costs down a bit, I was sort of hoping to use the SME IV arm and Grado on the new deck. But I am not predisposed to that if there really is a sonically better match for whatever turntable I end up getting.

Again, what am I looking for? I guess the turntable that most accurately reproduces the original within my $7 grand budget. I have no objections to buying used either. One thing I don't want is a turntable that takes up a bunch of real estate. I'm currently setup to accomodate 25x18, but I'll adjust to accomodate the new gear. I just don't want something that will require a lot of space. I also don't want to spend 15-30 minutes setting up before every listening session.

My local dealer carries the Clearaudio, which are nice, but I'm not particularly into all the acrylic. So I'm prolly going to buy something without having heard it first. I'm guessing most anything in my price range will sound very good. I suppose I'm just casting a net to see what some of the options are as I'm not particular well read on what's out there right now.

Thanks for your thoughts.
