$6-7k to Spend on Turntable

Hi All,

My old Oracle Mark II I have had for years has developed a serious problem with the motor. It plays very fast then slow and anywhere in between. I've decided not to fix it but get a new unit. The arm mounted on it is an SME IV, which I have been very pleased with.

I don't have time to demo a bunch of setups, I'd just like to move ahead on a replacement as soon as I can firm up a good replacement. A few ideas I have come up with within my price range:

- Verdier Platine and mount my old SME IV
- VPI TNT Mk 6 and figure out how to mount my old arm or spend some extra and get the JMW 12.5 if it is an improvement over the SME

Or is there something else out there that I should be considering? I don't tend to follow a lot of the reviews. I usually buy something then use it for years.

Other gear is AR SP-8 and VT-200 driving some Final 0.4s


Larry: Please, don't bad feelings: try to change a little your attitude about me.

+++++ " The fact that you have a problem with that is your problem. " +++++

My think is that that subject is an Audiogon forum problem: +++++ " I was simply stating that I could not remember who had told me that they preferred the Teres over the SME 20. " +++++

So, you can't corroborate that statement and this is only a " irresponsable rumor ", that do not help to anyone in this forum and in the audio industry. Remember that in this forum always come ( welcome a board ) new peoples, ones with heavy experience but many others don't.

When I give my opinion I always try to do with facts that I can corroborate and must of the time I try not to " bring " other people opinion that I can't corroborate.

Everyday I receive e-mails from the Audiogon forum peoples to comment on differents subjects and try not to use those info.

You already know my ZYX cartridge opinion. I can tell you the next episode that happens a few months ago about:

- +++++ " Subject: Audiogon listing: Van Den Hul Colibri XGP .45 mv " +++++

This classified ad take my attention because this man put on sale his Colibri doing an upgrade to top ZYX.

I send him an e-mail:

+++++ "> TO:
> Dear friend: If you really prefer the ZYX over the Colibri that's mean

> that something is wrong ( mismatch ) in your audio system. Regards. " +++++

This was his answer: +++++ " I am not sure what you mean by mismatch. The system is very straight forward Atmasphere amp and pre (with excellent nos tubes), walker tt, and wilson speakers. I think this system should be a very revealing system and able to judge cartridges well. I would be glad to hear what your suggestion is to make the colibri work better. I purchased the colibri on the recommendation of a person who also owns a linear tone arm , rockport tt. I figured if it worked well on his it would on mine. Hope you can find time to further explain your comments. " +++++

I do that and the answer was: +++++ " The colibri is very fast and I would lean the other way that it is not
emotionally envolving. I feel that it is very dry similar to the clearaudio
cartridges. The bass extension is with out a doubt better with the zyx to
the point where you hear unexpected bass response where with other
cartridges you would have missed. " +++++

I insist and give him all my advise to reach the top quality that the Colobri can, fortunatelly he do that and this was their answer:

+++++ " I opened the new colibri and put it on my walker, with out a doubt it is a
better cartridge than the zyx. Point, my first colibri was not working
correctly. I with drew the colibri from audiogon and expect it
to stay on the walker for some time. Detailed with out being harsh, and wow
what a big sound stage, imaging plus plus. Thanks for the push to try the
new colibri. " +++++

This is only one example of info that I have and that I never used when I post about the ZYX or anyone else. Why I don't do that: because I like to " work " with facts where I have control and the " hairs on hand " and don't cause misunderstood on other Audiogon members.

Larry, I repeat no bad feelings at all. I have great respect for you and for anyone else ( including Teres/ZYX ) here and every where.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Jfrech, I don't know yet! I just picked it up over the weekend, and my ARC VT-200 is still in the shop. The deck is definately mint, just as Johan said. I guess he only had it for less than a year. It was very well taken care of.

It may be a couple of weeks until I can really give it a shakedown as I am going to send my ARC SP-8 off to Steve at Great Northern Sound to get the phono stage upgraded to handle low output MCs. I've been talking to Sorasound here in SF and plan on picking up an Airys 3s from him.

Hopefully within two to three weeks, I'll have everything back and making music!

I need to get the Oracle and SME IV listed for sale some time this week.


If you are to retain the SME IV you should go for a deck that synergises well with it. As such you should first consider both the SME model 20/2 and the Model 10. You should also consider the Avid decks by Conrad Mas - fantastic decks that are often sporting the arm you own.

I myself have an Amazon Model One and have good authority that the SME goes well with it.

Having said all that get the Oracle fully serviced - in a recent hi fi news review the reviewer indicated that he'd get the new one had he not already got his current reference!

About the Platine - that goes well with Schroeder, Breur, and Morch Arms, as well as the old sme 3009 - so I am told by one dealer and importer of the item.

For your kind of money, and given the e-mail responses you have had, you may as well go and get some demos, it's much better than reading what people hear - trust me - I'm sure all the magazines will disagree though.
Dear Ken: I assume that your 20 comes with the SME V. This tonearm is a dinamically balance design, and works very well in that way but you have to try it in static balance way: it comes better yet.

Regards and enjoy the music.
