Dustcover suggestions?

I've recently bought a turntable (Clearaudio Champion) and I need a dustcover. (I know some people make do without one; I can't.) The dustcover I could get from the manufacturer is both expensive and (I think) poorly designed; it rests on the plinth, leaving the motor unprotected. I need some kind of plastic bell, size about 20 x 17 x 7, which I could put on the stand, covering both the table and the motor. Do you a know a business that carries dustcovers of various sizes? Does the object I'm looking for exist at K-Mart or Home Depot in the houseware department? Thank you for any sugestion. If you have a dustcover that fits my description for sale, please e-mail me directly.
vu also made a cover for me (i wanted to cover my vpi aries & the motor). great guy, fair price.
Vinh Vu made a dust cover for my Maximum Solution. He does top quality work and is very responsive.
Keep in mind dustcovers can act like echo chambers inpinging on your arm/cartridge especially when levels are loud. I just set my dustcover on my table when not in use and remove it when playing.
Ditto the praise for Gingko Audio. I recently ordered a dustcover for my Gyro SE direct from Vinh Vu at gingkoaudio.com and couldn't be more pleased with the result. Very professional, top-quality work.
Department store home furnishings often sell bedding items like pillows and comforters in thick, clear, zippered vinyl containers with stitched seams.
With a pair of scissors (when will this word finally become singular?), a quick resew of one of the seams, I was able to put together a custom fit "soft" cover for my turntable in about ten minutes.
The question remaining is what to do with the store-bought contents. Additional batting for your speaker cabinets?