Thank you for a nice initial write up, and for nice suggestions about the finalized packaging and looks!
Few things, if I may:
1. The unit was double-boxed, but I've asked my brother to unpack it so you can see it with the white printed box. Maybe you noticed that there was no shipping labels or any such marks on the box.
2. We have sleeves coming up for covering the entire unit with the company logo on them, but they did not arrive on time, sorry about that.
3. The foam pieces that hold the two sides of the DSD-S are tested well, so there will be no damage of the unit, even if you throw it UPS style from 3 meters above ground. :-) Of, course, it is always possible to add more foam so it looks even more secure, this is not a problem.
4. Honestly, I find it very surprising that the DSD-S sounded harsh on the top in your system. Maybe it is a good idea to try it with different cables, hopefully not Silver, and preferably non-shielded (or lightly shielded). Experiments with the RCA and XLR outputs are desirable, as well as trying the DSD-S direct to your amplifiers. The other thing is alternating between DSD64 and DSD128 modes and see which one you like better. As I've mentioned in the instructions, DSD128 is cleaner, while DSD64 is more rounded, that can be helpful with some bright recordings, for example. Finally, this DSD-S has barely 200 hours on it, so it may need more, especially after being shipped overseas and not played for several days, as you pointed out already.
I find your comments very valuable, thanks again!
Alex Peychev