Denis, some would say that the low voltages that the phono cable (tonearm to phono stage) has to deliver requires a different type of cable, particularly as regards shielding. I've never given that much credence, but have not experienced difficulty in my system that others may have had to deal with. As to the cable from the phono stage outputs to line level input on the linestage, at this point you are dealing with line level voltage just as with the output from a DAC, so there are no additional low voltage signal issues. I use Omega Mikro Ebony cables (available as single-ended only) for my phono cable and those cables have about the least amount of shielding of any cable one might consider. So, my thought always is to buy the most neutral and transparent interconnect one can manage irrespective of phono or high level source application. I've heard good things about the EAR phono stage - Enjoy!