Turntable Rack Mounted to Foundation

I have my stereo in my basement which means I have a concrete floor and foundation. I've found that putting the table on cement blocks on the floor works best.

However its a pain for changing records and looks like hell. I'd like to make a rack for my hifi and mount directly to the foundation of the house. There by getting all components of the floor and isolated form the room.

Has anyone tried this and good results. Your input on my my idea please.

The plan is similar to what you describe. I wish to isolate the components from the room doing what you described. Almost as if the components are floating in air.

I would think the amount of vibration going through a concrete floor and then up a concrete wall would be minimal. I use monitor speakers with a 7" woofer in an 11' by 22'room so I'm not rattling the windows and bringing the house down.

However I could be wrong any thoughts people?
Let me clarify: when I said "very few of them are truly rigid" I was referring to audio racks, not concrete slabs.

Concrete slabs don't vibrate in the audible spectrum, and almost not at all in the mechanical spectrum (below 12 Hz. or so) therefore it's unlikely, unless you live next to a railroad line or an interstate, that you'll have anything to contend with except airborne vibration from the music itself -- and that's really negligible, even for turntables, unless they're positioned right in front of a woofer (also unlikely I imagine?)

just be glad you don't have a suspened floor like I do. My basement is a forest of floorjacks!